Đánh giá tác dụng của chế phẩm BB1 trên sự suy sinh dục gây ra bởi Natri Valproat
Title: Đánh giá tác dụng của chế phẩm BB1 trên sự suy sinh dục gây ra bởi Natri Valproat Authors: Dương, Thị Ly Hương Keywords: BB1;Hypogonadism Issue Date: 2013 Publisher: Tạp chí Dược liệu Abstract: BB1 regimen consists of 2 main herbal constituents (Eurycoma longifolia J. and Polyscias fructicosa). Both plants were identified to exert androgen activity and enhance sexual behavior on rats. This study aimed to evaluate sexual protective effect of BB1 against sodium valproate-induced hypogonadism in rats. The results showed that BB1 with the dose of 0.47g/kg body weight significantly increased sperm density, sperm motility, and rate of living sperm. On morphology of sperms, BB1 formulation increased percentage of normal morphology of sperm, decreased percentage of abnormal in head and tail of sperm. In testes histology, there was recovery development of germ cells from the base to the center of the lumen; spermatogonia, primary and se...